If you are reading this post then you have most likely achieved the first step in the journey of solo travel. I think the first step is overcoming the fear of solo travel. This happens with realising the benefits of travelling alone outway the possible disadvantages of travelling alone. However, now that you realise that you truly would like to travel, the realisation of informing people about your plans hits you. Therefore, at this stage, you may find that new doubts start to creep in. This is often due to a fear of criticism as a solo traveller.
Most people live a ‘typical’ lifestyle with a 9-5 job with no moving around, just the occasional 2 week holiday abroad. So for you to come out and say ‘oh, by the way, I’m off travelling around the world’ will perhaps be difficult for people close to you to understand. Some will be happy for you, some will be utterly complexed and others may even be downright condescending. However, you won’t know until you tell them and this can be anxiety-provoking. So read on to discover tips on how to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller.
1. Why do you dream of travel?
Remember why it is that you dream of travel. For me, there is an abundance of reasons.
Living in different places around the world will allow me to –
- Work and volunteer with various different conservation and climate change projects.
- Learn about different cultures around the world
- I will have the opportunity to learn about various animal species.
- I can assist projects in bringing global warming awareness to local communities.
Hold your reason or reasons close to your heart and truly remember them. Then when you are ready to tell people about your plans to travel the world, you will find it easier to explain your plans.
2. Having other reasons prepared will help the fear of criticism
For some people, there will be no issue in telling their family/friends about their plans. They may know that their plans will be accepted 100% with no doubt or criticism. However, for those who have a fear of criticism, announcing their travel plans may not be as straightforward. Therefore, having certain things to say will help ease the worry of trying to explain your plans. Along with the reason you have for your love of travel, I recommend having other things in mind.
Things to mention –
- Ideas you have for how to make money on the road such as ski season jobs or teaching English online!
- Any savings you have or ways to save money while travelling.
- Ideas on where you will stay. How about house sitting in Sydney!
- How you will ensure your safety as much as possible.
- The benefits of travelling alone versus the disadvantages of travelling alone.
If you have extremely critical close family/friends whom you feel you have to explain your plans to then try to remember these points mentioned above. They should help to reassure any worried friends or family members.
3. Not all criticism is intended in a negative way
Yes, of course, there are many whose criticism comes from their own discomfort at the thought of solo travel. However, criticism can often be meant in a constructive way.
Imagine your friend/daughter/mum or whoever says to you ‘I am going to travel the world’, this may come as a surprise. And of course, even if you are completely on board with the idea, you are still likely to have questions.
Therefore, it is natural to have apprehension about explaining your travel plans because whoever you tell, you are likely to be questioned. But this does absolutely not mean that the questioning is intended in a negative critical way. Remembering this will help to reduce the fear of negative criticism.
4. Criticism is often jealousy camouflaged
Try not to worry too much about the fear of criticism. To travel is a wonderful life-enriching opportunity. Therefore, it is likely that people will be jealous. They may simply criticise you out of pure envy. Yes as mentioned criticism can be beneficial, however, remember that, if you are feeling anxious about relaying your wanderlust adventures to others then remind yourself that the criticism you fear receiving may come from a place of jealousy. Therefore, this criticism can be completely disregarded.
5. You are in control of your fear of criticism
You hold all the power!
Do not let the fear of criticism put you off from travelling.
Yes, for many solo travellers, it may be difficult to explain their plans. However, you have control. If you want to travel, then…
#1. Remember the tips on what things to mention and your reason for travel.
Think of it this way, if someone you knew was worrying about telling you about their plans, would you truly believe that your opinion of their plan matters? NO, probably not. So…
#2. remind yourself that you have complete control. This is your plan and no one else’s. Therefore, it doesn’t actually matter what criticism you may receive because it is only your opinion that matters.
Therefore, if you have a fear of criticism as I’m sure many solo travellers, do, try not to worry about it! It is either coming from a place of care or a place of envy. Therefore, either way, you don’t need to worry because either they are simply trying to understand and help you or they wish they were you. If it is from a positive place then you can use this to your advantage. However, if from a negative place, you can simply brush this off. As hard as it may be, you are better off cutting out these negative influences from your life. Throughout your travels, you will meet many an abundance of like-minded people.

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How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
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How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
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How to overcome the fear of criticism as a solo traveller – GirlWithTheSuitcase
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